i-Ready at SAU 53
In the fall of 2023 we started our journey with i-Ready Diagnostics to further support the students K-9 in our SAU. This testing program replaced STAR testing in many schools, and gave us a way to track consistent/normed data for all of our kiddos up through the end of ninth grade. Due to budget constraints for the 2024/2025 school year, there will be no further 9th grade testing, however, data will be used to help track and support those students going into 9th and 10th grade.
Assessment Data: 2024/2025
There are two different ways that i-Ready breaks down the overall data for us: an intervention-based model that gives us three levels and a five level more detailed look at where students are placing based upon grade level expectations. For the first data set, we provide the 5-point scale, which looks at where students are NOW in comparison to where they should be at the end of the school year. At the first diagnostic of the year, students who fall in the top three levels (and a little into the 4th) are all considered to be in decent shape. For the second set of data, we provide the Beginning of the Year 3-point look (this compares them to where they should be right now). Below is the overall SAU Information, and please look below for links to the individual school results. For more information about understanding the results of this testing, please check out this video from i-Ready: Understanding Your Student's Diagnostic Results.