Keynote Speaker
Sarah Sherman
Trauma informed practices benefit all students and can be a universal approach that's easier to implement than you think. Learn about the research behind trauma and toxic stress and how it affects the brain and learning/behaviors in order to recognize the signs and symptoms, so we can shift our mindset and how we're perceiving challenges. Build your toolbox of practical classroom and schoolwide strategies to clearly identify and remove barriers to student success, teach and model coping skills, and build connections with even the most difficult students. Re-think traditional discipline procedures and move towards a focus on restorative practices and repairing relationships. You will walk away with evidence based practices that you can implement in your classroom the very next day.
We are still waiting on a few folks to get back to us AND we can still fit a few more folks in (if you are interested)!
If you would like to add a session - please email me directly with your Title, Blurb, and Time Frame (45 or 90 minutes) at aparkinson@sau53.org
45 Minute Sessions
1A: 9:30-10:15
Teaching the Essay to Struggling Students
Kristin LeComte
A Formulaic Approach for Student Success
When it comes to writing essays requiring research and analysis, many students may find the task daunting, especially students who struggle with writing. This presentation will cover specific methods and strategies to teach these types of essays, including the "Dorito Method" for introductions and conclusions, and the formulaic "C(D)EA" format and graphic organizer for the body of the essay. Many students have experienced success with these in my classroom, so I'd like to share!
1A: 9:30-10:15
Summer Reading Planning Session
Morgan Rowell
🌟 Summer Reading Session for K-8 Teachers, and or Reading Specialists 🌟
This exciting, hands-on workshop is designed to help teachers like YOU develop engaging strategies to encourage reading over the summer. We’ll brainstorm innovative ways to make reading fun and inspire your students to read beyond the classroom.
What You’ll Get:
🏖️ Fun and interactive ideas for K-8 students
🌱 Creative strategies to foster a love of reading during the summer months
✨ Tools and resources to implement immediately in your classroom
💡 Fresh ways to make reading enjoyable and exciting
🌍 Opportunities to collaborate and network with like-minded educators
2A: 11:10-11:55
The Power of Standing Group Work
Cassie Cepeck
I’ve been using many elements of the Building Thinking Classrooms model based on the books by Dr. Peter Liljedahl. This is my fourth year consistently asking students to work daily at whiteboards on the walls in random groups. They use task cards, word problems, and manipulatives while working through our 5th grade math curriculum. I have been incredibly excited about the enthusiasm, mathematical conversations, and increased attention that I attribute to the standing group work. I am not an expert in any way, but if you’d like to come and talk about standing whiteboard work join me!
1A: 9:00-10:15
SAT Proctor Training
Danielle French
Guided time to complete the mandatory SAT Proctor Training ahead of the School Day SAT in April. Bring your laptop to complete this activity.
1B: 10:20-11:05
2B: 12:00-12:45
Frontline: Everyone’s Best Friend
Amy Parkinson
Are you sick of getting emails from me about "marking complete"? Do you have question about your activities, requests, etc? Do you want an update on the latest module coming to our Frontline experience? This 45 minute session will be a chance to get questions answered and support in completing outstanding PD requests AND completing certification renewal paperwork. (will run twice)
1A: 9:30-10:15
Middle School Social Studies
Ruth Bidwell
Teaching the Holocaust - 8th Grade Social Studies Work Session
2A: 11:10-11:55
School Counselors- Resources
Shonda Pecor
The school counselors can come together and share their favorite resources with one another.
1B: 10:20-11:05
What Is This Thing Called AI and How Can It Help Me?
Heather Bridges and Eric Whitney
What is AI anyway and how can it help me in my classroom? Allenstown educators Heather Bridges and Eric Whitney will share the basics of what AI is, what its benefits and drawbacks are, and some ways it can help you as a teacher. They will also review the SAU 53 AI policy and what staff are allowed to use on their district devices and what is not allowed.
1B: 10:20-11:05
Developing a Community of Leaders
Colleen Moorhouse
Student leadership is one of the most powerful components of building a successful school environment. In this session, teachers will explore ways to get students involved in the leadership process of their organizations, and ways to develop leadership skills. Teachers will learn to utilize student leaders in unique ways, allowing them to have firsthand experience in leading their school communities. Attendees will walk away with new ideas to implement in their classrooms and student organizations.
2A: 11:10-11:55
ESOL in the Classroom
Josie Letendre & Emily Mancuso
Explore strategies teachers can use when having English Learners in their classrooms.
2B: 12:00-12:45
First Grade DCS Brainstorming Session
Kari Angelos, Hannah Perry, & Amy MacLaughlin
What is first grade at DCS? Where are we going? Explore the first grade curriculum, instruction, and future.
1A: 9:30-10:15
Writing Measurable Goals
Sarah Krebs
Overview and practice on writing measurable and effective IEP and Transition Goals.
1B: 10:20-11:05
PA Reads!
PA Summer Reading Committee
A roundtable discussion and chance to discuss the upcoming PA Summer Reading experience and the future of this program
2B: 12:00-12:45
Differentiated Instruction
Jennifer Martel
The goal of differentiated instruction is to provide all students with an equal opportunity to succeed by acknowledging their differences and offering support tailored to their individual needs. Come join and collaborate with others on ways to offer differentiation amongst a vast range of student needs.
1B: 10:20-11:05
2B: 12:00-12:45
Special Education: Compliance and Problem Solving
Jessica Bickford
Areas of focus in this session will include:
* IEP Development/Compliance
* Special Education Problem Solving Session
* Written Prior Notice
1B: 10:20-11:05
3rd Grade CCS Brainstorming Session
Jessica Martucci & Sharon Reeves
Brainstorming session with 3rd grade about where we are and where we are going.
2A: 11:10-11:55
Play-Based Kindergarten Centers
Erin Chase
In this hands-on workshop, we will dive into the process of creating play-based learning centers that support and enhance the natural curiosity and development of young children. You will learn how to design centers that encourage exploration, creativity, and social-emotional growth, while also meeting key educational goals. This workshop will focus on building a variety of play centers—each tailored to different aspects of early learning, such as language development, fine and gross motor skills, problem-solving, and collaborative play. You will leave with centers to try out in your kindergarten classrooms!
90 Minute Sessions
1C: 9:30-11:00
Incorporating the Outdoors
Into Your Curriculum:
Greg Whitmore
Explore the possibilities of incorporating the natural areas surrounding our schools into your curriculum. Numerous disciplines can benefit from getting the kids outside. We will discuss and experience numerous outdoor activities that I do with my students each year. We will be spending a significant amount of time outdoors (if the weather cooperates). (Will run for two sessions if group chooses to do so)
1C: 9:30-11:00
Childhood Trauma
Mark McLeod
A discussion about the effects of trauma on the developing brain, how it manifests, and strategies that teachers and staff can implement to support these students.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Let's Connect! A Collaborative Session for Preschool Staff/Teams:
Elizabeth Fortier & Alicia Giannelli
This is a collaborative opportunity for professionals who work with preschoolers and/or provide special education and related services to preschool students. A few preliminary goals of this session are to meet and connect with other preschool team members within the SAU, discuss and troubleshoot the use of the new state-mandated progress monitoring system (DRDP), and to facilitate the opportunity for other preschool-related discussion and collaboration.
1C: 9:30-11:00
AI- a 2 teacher perspective
Kae Cunningham, Matt Benard
Have you been wondering how to navigate the new tech landscape of Artificial Intelligence? Have you embraced AI and now happily riding the wave? Or Do you hesitate to introduce it to your students, or even try it yourself? For a glimpse of the very conservative approach to jumping head first into the deep end, join us as we share our uniquely different experiences with the Integration of AI into our classroom. Recommendations on the best tools, what’s available & how to get started, initial implementation guidelines for your students, how to potentially identify AI usage, tips on how to assess student work, and a long list of curated resources will be shared.
2C: 11:10-12:45
ED306 and the High School Social Studies Implications
Corinne Moher
A roundtable discussion on the new ED306 requirements and the future of social studies at the high school level.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Nature Journaling across Disciplines
Alison Gelinas
Learn engaging nature journaling activities that can be used with any grade level and any discipline. Learn the benefits of journaling and how using greenspace can impact student achievement. Come see how these fun hands-on activities can be incorporated into your classroom.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Implementing Trauma-Informed Practices
Danielle Harvey
Join us for an engaging session on integrating trauma-informed practices into your classroom and work. We'll start with a refresher on what trauma is and its impact on students but focus primarily on practical strategies to create supportive learning environments. Learn why these approaches are essential and walk away with tools and resources from "The Trauma Informed School" to implement immediately. Empower yourself to better support all our learners.
1C: 9:30-11:00
Aligning Assessments to Competencies: Revisiting Reporting Outcomes
Danielle Harvey
Session Goals:
Understand how assessments align with competencies.
Reflect on whether reporting practices align with assessment results and competencies.
Identify actionable steps to revise reporting outcomes if needed.
Bring a report card or gradebook examples with you to reflect and refine on how assignments are scored and reported out.
1C: 9:30-11:00
2C: 11:10-12:45
Effective & High-Leverage Practices for Paraeducators (online registration prior- tech required and self guided)
SAU 53 Special Education - Self-Guided
This is a self-paced online activity for paraprofessionals. Please bring your devices with you and register at https://info.exceptionalchildren.org/Event-Registration/EventID/150
1C: 9:30-11:00
Simplify Writing
Andrea Clinch
Participants will get a complete overview of this writing program that Deerfield Community School adopted in the Fall of 2024 for grades K-8. The focus will be grades 3-8. This program is standards aligned, evidenced based and provides teachers with lessons and materials to teach a variety of genres and grammar skills.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Simplify Writing for DCS Teachers
Andrea Clinch
This offering is for continued work on Module 6 - Meeting Individual Needs. The topics will be: Making the Most of Small Groups, Writing Conferences, Integrating Peer Feedback and Supporting Advanced Writers. This leaves module 7 and 8, which is a course reflection. You can submit the course reflection for certificate for 15 hours of PD.
1C: 9:30-11:00
2C: 11:10-12:45 (*NEW*)
Play Based Learning
Sara Marzinzik, Emmersen Case, Tiffany Young
Tips, tools, and pedagogy surrounding a Play Based Learning Model designed to facilitate children's learning and development through play.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Fundations Curriculum - 3rd Grade PHS
Amy Radja Haba
This 90-minute professional development session will be focused on planning out the remainder of the Fundations curriculum for the 3rd grade PHS team. During this session, we aim to discuss planning out the pacing to ensure we complete the full curriculum effectively.
1C: 9:30-11:00
Next Level Rubrics
Ian West
What makes a strong rubric? How can we generate rubrics that both guide our students and provide effective feedback? This presentation will review types of rubrics, rubric creation, and give you a chance to create your own.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Artificial Intelligence
Brooke Anne Petrucelli
Thinking about using AI to support your instruction? Lost as to where to start or are you kind of an expert? Brooke Anne is one of our building level experts who will guide you through the wonderful world of AI. Please bring your device!
1C: 9:30-11:00
Breaking Down Assessment Data with CADS: A Visual Approach to Aid in SLD Identification and Understanding a Readers Profile
Brenda Peters & Dawn Wallace
Psychoeducational data should drive decisions, not confusion. The Cognitive, Academic, and Diagnostic Summary (CADS) chart simplifies complex data into clear, visual insights. By combining visual-spatial reasoning, language comprehension, and fluid reasoning, CADS helps educators and specialists recognize key patterns of strengths and weaknesses in students. This session explains required test measures of NH dyslexia law then will show how CADS enhances psychoeducational team discussions and deliberations, supports informed decision-making, and improves outcomes for students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. Join us to see how CADS bridges data and decision-making, ensuring clear determinations for student support and eligibility!
2C: 11:10-12:45
Self-Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD)
Dawn Wallace & Kayln Cochran
ThinkSRSD is a curriculum agnostic framework and can be tailored to the local context. It is a structured and explicit approach to writing instruction that provides students with strategies and deliberate skill practice (i.e., structured sentence expansion, variation and cohesion exercises). These lighten the cognitive load and enable students to translate their ideas onto paper more easily. Join Dawn Wallace and Kayln Cochran from Epsom Central School as they explain how to embed this method in curriculum. (Space is limited and priority given to ECS staff in program)
1C: 9:30-11:00 (*NEW*)
Technology Work Session
Jaimy Audley & Amanda Przybylski
Come join us for an informal, self-directed collaborative work session. This time will be an opportunity for you to join others in an open space to share ideas and work on developing your own website (curriculum specific, classroom site etc.) and/or organize your google drive. Please bring your device.
1C: 9:30-11:00
iReady Implementation and Data Breakdown - Next Steps
iReady Team
This session is designed to help you better use iReady data as a classroom teacher. Please bring your devices.
2C: 11:10-12:45
iReady Data from a Interventionist/Specialist Mindset
iReady Team
This session is specifically designed to look at the data and tools of iReady from an interventionist, specialist, special educator perspective.
1C: 9:30-11:00
Enhancing Student Engagement through Collaborative
Learning Structures
Sarah Shirilla: Elevated Teaching Solutions
This session will explore research-backed collaborative learning structures that promote active student participation, critical thinking, and deeper learning. Teachers will gain hands-on experience with strategies they can immediately implement in their classrooms. This will include a focus on Wit & Wisdom.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Using Facilitative Language to Strengthen Student
Engagement & Foster Productive Struggle
Sarah Shirilla: Elevated Teaching Solutions
This session will focus on the power of facilitative language in promoting a
student-centered classroom and opportunities for productive struggle. Teachers will learn how to
use intentional questioning, affirmations, and responses that encourage critical thinking, agency,
and deeper engagement.
2C: 11:10-12:45
The Wit and Wisdom of PHS Kindergarten
Kate Bertoncini
This 90-minute professional development session will be focused on the PHS kindergarten team planning the Module 3 curriculum for Wit and Wisdom. During this session, we will plan the first couple arcs to implement in our classrooms
2C: 11:10-12:45
Music Education: Tools, Tricks, and Tips
Steven Lindbloom & Scott Thibodeau
What are we doing in the classroom in SAU 53? Time to share some of the tools, tricks, and tips. The group will also be given time to explore new online resources provided to the SAU through the end of the year (with a look to pilot in the fall if interested).
2C: 11:10-12:45
The Art and Science of Light and Color
RP Hale
First devised for both art and physical science/physics students at the middle- and high-school levels, this participatory session explores the intertwined art and science of light and color using history, your own vision, basic spectroscopy, kinds of light; how painting and fresco artists used Newton's discoveries, Kirchhoff's Laws, additive and subtractive color mixing, and more.
1C: 9:30-11:00
Art and Geometry of Calligraphy
RP Hale
Hand lettering is an interdisciplinary art that involves visual art, consistency, and close attention to geometry and proportion. This session introduces participants to the basics of Italic calligraphy, pen-handling, consistency in shapes, and the underlying math principles in geometry and proportions. All materials, including the lettering pens, will be supplied.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Developing Guiding Questions For Eureka Math Modules, Topics, & Lessons
Jen McCarthy
In this session we will develop Essential Questions (module), Focus Questions (topic), and Content Framing Questions (lesson) for the modules, topics, and lessons within your grade level Eureka curriculum.
Bring: A computer with access to Eureka lessons
2C: 11:10-12:45
Collaboration time for SAU Related Service Providers
Heather Morgan
An opportunity for SAU related service providers to meet to discuss successes, challenges, needs, etc that impact our service delivery and district roles. Bring ideas, thoughts, concerns and successes to the table. It can be on opportunity to discuss case-specific needs or troubleshoot any barriers as well as share things that have been successful within your districts.
1C: 9:30-11:00
Mentor/Mentee Collaboration
Kayla Laframboise-Marston
Mentors and Mentees take some time to meet and go over goals/what you've learned/accomplished from the beginning of the year, and then work on creating goals/learning targets for the rest of the year! Also, take a chance to discuss how things are going. Open to all mentor/mentee pairings across the SAU.
1C: 9:30-11:00
Integrated Unit Planning
Jackie Perry & Stephanie Blethin
This will be a session for teams to work on planning an integrated unit across content areas. Participants should bring materials and competencies to share ideas with their team members.
2C: 11:10-12:45
PHS Special Education Brainstorming Session
Jessica Buzzell
Brainstorming for PHS K-4 special education staff and related service providers to discuss decision making matrix in relation to increase, decrease, change in services, rehabilitative assistant services, and Office 365 paperwork. 90 minute session.
1C: 9:30-11:00
2C: 11:10-12:45
Screening of Anxious Nation
SAU 53 & Anxious Nation
Anxious Nation explores and captures the many faces and facets of anxiety. This feature-length documentary deeply looks into the anxiety and the mental health crisis in America, especially its impact on young people (ages 10-26) and families. The film looks at the various ways anxiety shows up, the nurture/nature debate, situations in homes and society that are significantly adding to the problem, the mental health crisis on college campuses, and the impact of anxiety in lower socioeconomic communities, especially the Brown and Black communities. We discuss stigma, loneliness, isolation, disconnection, the alarming rise in suicide, the
dangers of social media, incorrect diagnoses, and the horrific mental health ramifications of the COVID-19
1C: 9:30-11:00
Supporting Life Skills Programming (*NEW*)
Nicole Epstein
Collaborative discussion amongst individuals in helping support life skills programing throughout the district. Ideal for special educators, para, and service providers.
2C: 11:10-12:45
Scope and Sequence: ACS 4th Grade ELA (*NEW*)
Kelly Ash
Scope and sequence work, along with modifying assessments and performance tasks in ELA within ACS' 4th grade team.
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth & Fifth Grade
6-12 English
6-12 Math
6-12 Social Studies
6-12 Science
World Language
Physical Education/Health
Paraprofessionals/Educational Assistants
School Counselors/Psychs
SAU Services (OT/PT/ESOL)
Reading/Math Specialists
Library/Digital Media Specialists
Special Education Case Managers are asked to join the job-a-like for the grade/grade span/content area that best matches their current scheduling.